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---- I am in Dhaka Bangladesh
-- 作者:prince
-- 时间:2008/2/1 22:59:57
-- I am in Dhaka Bangladesh
ha.hello everybody!I am black .Now I am in bangladesh.Here very poor but the people very friendly.And I lose the match .because I cost my all the power to my first match.(vsKOREN)At last.I want to say:I miss everybody!
-- 作者:不二棕熊
-- 时间:2008/2/2 0:04:54
hey buddy:you had made a lot of grammer mistakes.you need to improve your english right now! i miss you too and hope you will enjoy the lunar new year in foreign country.with my best wishes. we are proud of you!
-- 作者:孙教练
-- 时间:2008/2/2 11:21:35
Hi Black.What's up? We're glad to see you.Although you lost the match,you don't take it to you heart.Because it is a chance to practise.You're the pride of us.
-- 作者:网坛AND1
-- 时间:2008/2/2 14:00:09
Dear Black:come on!!!!
-- 作者:火烧云
-- 时间:2008/2/2 17:35:01
哎呀,这可是来自孟加拉的信息啊,不容易啊!大家都将英国历史,我就冒个泡,讲讲中国的上下五千年 会长好敬业哦,百忙之中还不忘抽空回来看看,呵呵,我们都很想你的,远在他乡,照顾好自己哦!~ 不管比赛结果如何,你已经进步了很多了,多多收获经验,提前感受一下外国的风土人情!~ 你的英国历史也有进步呀,多学两句,回来忽悠忽悠老外!~ 时常给我们报个信哦,盼!~
-- 作者:大豆
-- 时间:2008/2/2 17:40:47
-- 作者:石填海
-- 时间:2008/2/2 17:43:16
We are glad to receive your news!~ come on!~ we support you forever!~ Have a good spring festivel in Dhaka
-- 作者:田教练
-- 时间:2008/2/4 16:22:31
-- 作者:燕子的翅膀
-- 时间:2008/2/5 11:34:35