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---- yoga
-- 作者:Ian_lam
-- 时间:2012/7/18 19:13:36
-- yoga
today, because of the rain, our 1st training have went to the gym room and do the yoga, after the yoga we play the mini volleyball. thanks everyone
-- 作者:Ian_lam
-- 时间:2012/7/18 19:14:58
this is from vincent using my account ;)
-- 作者:孙教练
-- 时间:2012/7/19 10:20:53
Where is Ian's dairy ??
-- 作者:鲁伶俐
-- 时间:2012/7/19 10:45:20
How happy every is!
-- 作者:Ian_lam
-- 时间:2012/7/19 21:25:46
I sent mine out, you should be able to see it now, thanks :)