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---- Another Ordinary Dairy On Another Ordinary Day
-- 作者:Ian_lam
-- 时间:2012/7/19 19:30:47
-- Another Ordinary Dairy On Another Ordinary Day
Today was another ordinary day. We did some backhand and forehand drills. There was nothing really special for the first half of the day. The second half of the day was a little better, because I achieved quite a lot. For the serving drill, we had to see how many balls we can serve in, out of ten. I got four out of ten yesterday, and for today I got nine out of ten :) I will be aiming for ten out of ten tomorrow ...... which will be really really really hard
-- 作者:marklamtennis
-- 时间:2012/7/25 4:03:07
Really Well Done Ian!!!
Excellent attitude, that's what you here for, keep it up!