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----  We Will Be FREE Tomorrow :)     (http://yuetongsport.com/joekoe/forum_list.asp?forum_id=7&view_id=7104)
--  作者:Ian_lam
--  时间:2012/7/20 20:29:34
--  We Will Be FREE Tomorrow :)
There was a lot of ups and downs today. In the first half of the day, I played really bad. Mostly because I wasn't paying attention. Then in the middle, I got brought to the lower group since I wasn't paying any effort in. In the second half, I went back to the higher group. I don't really know why, but I played quite good. It is funny how we have to use about 20 minutes to hit 3 twenty consecutive shots before. But for today, We did a consecutive of 60 shots in a time less then 3 minutes :) Overall for today, I learnt that you have to have punishments to have something to learn and improve from. It was a big lesson :)  
--  作者:鲁伶俐
--  时间:2012/7/21 1:29:25
You must relax.
--  作者:Ian_lam
--  时间:2012/7/22 23:13:59
I will la  
--  作者:marklamtennis
--  时间:2012/7/25 3:19:40
--  回复:We Will Be FREE Tomorrow :)
Well done Ian!!

Remember........."one can learn more from mistake than any other form"
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