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---- Ups And Downs
-- 作者:Ian_lam
-- 时间:2012/7/23 20:44:41
-- Ups And Downs
There was a lot of ups and downs today. There is almost a good and bad for everything we did today. It was raining and we didn't need to suffer from the sun ( good thing ) Then we had to do yoga which was seriously tiring and painful ( bad thing ). It was raining really hard, we couldn't play tennis ( Bad thing ) Then we got to play table tennis ( good thing ) We then went to a fitness centre in Luo Hu ( good thing ) Coach's things got stolen ( Bad thing ) A lot has happened today. Although there was quite a lot of bad things that happened, I still think it was a quite interesting day full of unexpected incomings.
-- 作者:marklamtennis
-- 时间:2012/7/25 3:23:28
Sounds like a really interesting day for you guys!
Nice writing!!
-- 作者:孙教练
-- 时间:2012/7/25 17:26:58
Good Good!