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According to online reports, tennis superstar Serena Williams’ reps are working overtime to keep rumors about Serena’s badly infected foot under wraps.
According to Williams, she injured her foot stepping on broken glass at a restaurant last July. But sources say there’s more to the story than that.
Reportedly, Williams has a serious bone infection (osteomyelitis) in her right foot that is not responding well to intravenous antibiotics such as Vancomycin, considered among the last-line of antibiotics that doctors use when all else fails.
As a result, Williams is losing weight and her weakened state has caused mobility problems. Earlier this week, the sickly 29-year-old tweeted: “My throat feels raw. every time I take a sip of sumthin it feels like i just swallowed 20,000 mini knives. its 5:10am…”
In addition to dizziness, muscle weakness and low blood pressure, IV Vancomycin’s serious side effects include a persistent sore throat and swelling of the tongue and throat.
Osteomyelitis can result in great loss of bone, but is treatable if caught early. The injury has caused Serena to miss the US Open, and she has plummeted from #1 to #13 in the world.
I would wish Serena a speedy recovery, but it seems as though she is beyond that now.

   2011-02-05 11:09
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小威。 你会没事的。给力
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