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 主题:My Weekly Dairy
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  来自:Hong Kong
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 My Weekly Dairy
This few days was quite hard and tiring, especially when the sun was seriously bright and hot. Although it was really hard, I learnt a lot. Overall in each lesson, I enjoyed the last 30 minutes the most because we got to play games and have fun.
I realized that I actually need to consume more than three bottles of water every time we play. Another thing I realized was that I play better when I am Very Very Very tired.
For the coming days, I will have to try concentrate more on my footwork, since it is not going good. I will have to try my foot more often to make each of my action faster.
Overall, I still like resting the MOST.  
   2012-07-14 23:07
 Ian_lam 的IP是:113.116.*.*  未知的系统信息 
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You are a good boy.Although the training is very hard, but you can learn a lot.
   2012-07-15 20:18
 鲁伶俐 的IP是:113.116.*.*  操作系统: Windows XP,浏览器: Internet Explorer 8.0 
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Today you can have a good rest ! I hope when you train ,you pay more attention and focus ,and if you have more free time ,you must have a good sleep . OK?
   2012-07-15 20:28
 孙教练 的IP是:113.116.*.*  操作系统: Windows XP,浏览器: Internet Explorer 6.0 
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  来自:Hong Kong
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Ok la 
   2012-07-18 10:40
 Ian_lam 的IP是:113.116.*.*  未知的系统信息 
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It is the first time I really feel you start paying attention on how to improve your tennis skill seriously, and I really can't tell you how glad and happy I am now, thank you son!! And thank you for all the coaches to make these changes on you with their great heart! 
   2012-07-25 04:18
 marklamtennis 的IP是:203.218.*.*  未知的系统信息 
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