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 主题:Wow... not the best day
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  来自:Hong Kong
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 Wow... not the best day
Today was the worst day so far. It was still raining and everything outside was damage, broken trees, leafs everywhere, ripped posters etc. Since the tennis court, didn't really look like a tennis court anymore, we had to do yoga.... again. After a really tiring section of yoga. We at least got to play table tennis. But after the table tennis tournament, we had to run around “東湖賓館” for twenty minutes. In the middle, it started to rain, but the coaches said we still had to run. It was raining harder and harder till it felt like it was helling. After we arrive and went back to our room, we all started to feel a little uncomfortable. Some people felt really cold and some felt really hot. Some had head aches and one of us was coughing. Hope we will all get better soon.   
   2012-07-24 17:47
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You will be better soon,because you are younger enough .
   2012-07-24 22:05
 孙教练 的IP是:113.116.*.*  操作系统: qdesk 2.3.1186.202,浏览器: Internet Explorer 9.0 
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Very nice writing again!

I really enjoy reading it, of course except the part that you guys got sick, but I'm sure everyone will be fine

Extra bonus for start seeing you writing chinese!!!
   2012-07-25 03:34
 marklamtennis 的IP是:203.218.*.*  未知的系统信息 
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  来自:Hong Kong
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   2012-07-25 08:50
 Ian_lam 的IP是:113.116.*.*  未知的系统信息 
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We all together ,support you always.
   2012-07-25 17:59
 孙教练 的IP是:113.116.*.*  操作系统: Windows XP,浏览器: Internet Explorer 6.0 
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