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Welcome to Webtennis24. In this video, we're going to talk about the priorities in tennis. So often I see beginner players come on the court and they are trying to hit the ball too hard. They think that you know to win tennis you need to hit the ball hard, you need to hit the ball with power. That's why I want to emphasize what you should work on in order to become a better players.


What are your priorities. First priority in tennis is get the ball in. What's that I mean? To get the ball over the net and inside the courts. Second priority in tennis will be placement, what's that I mean? Be able to get the ball side to side, move your opponent side to side, deep or short. The third priority will be spin, in tennis we have three kinds of spin, we have slice which is underspin, we have topspin or we have sidespin. Sometimes we have variation of those. But those three are the main spin in tennis. The four and I will say the last one on your list of priorities in tennis will be power, so as I suggested you don't try to hit the ball with power unless you go through the previous three one we just mention: get the ball in in consistence, placement, and also spin in the ball. So power will be the last one on your list priorities in tennis.


1. Get the ball in - over the net and inside the lines
2. Placement - move the ball side to side, deep or short into the court
3. Spin - topspin, slice and sidespin
4. Power

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